Have some Fun!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Have you ever been in a room or with a group of people, friends or even kids, thinking to urself that u wished there was an interesting way to introduce any topic of religion or Quran without scaring them away? 

Well, how about bringing it up in a form of a game or quiz? Interested? 

Normally I go about it this way: “How about a riddle?” 
I start with something real easy:
Which two prophets were born without fathers?” 

Now the response u may receive off course all depends on ur audience. If they r kids, hopefully u’ll get some excitement. But If they r adults then I assume u’ll get some condescending or “Don’t patronize us!” looks. 
Obviously the answer is ‘Adam and Esa, alaihimam as-salam’. 

Therefore I quickly move on to the more challenging question and add: “Okay then, let’s make it more interesting! What are the three animals mentioned in the Quran that were not born to parents? ........ Were created miraculously!"

It would be lovely if u could use ur mobile to take a few snap shots of the faces and expressions facing u. Believe you me, it’s one of the most fun riddles coming from the quran. I’ve asked kids, friends and some scholars as well, who either found it very easy or simply went blank. 

With each answer u may give them a bit of background info and turn the atmosphere into a blessed one…. Nice n easy!

 Hahaha, hope u weren’t scrolling down to look for the answers :)


Ok, ok ;) The answers are:

1) Prophet Musa's snake
2) Prophet Salih's Naqah 
3) Prophet Ibrahim's Kabsh

Enjoy :)

1 comment:

hope said...

جزاك الله خير هيلو على هذه المعلومات التي طبقتها مع أفراد العائله و الأصدقاء ولاقت التجاوب معهم فلا تبخلي علينا يهذه الملومات لنفيد ونستفيد

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