Meet the Members

السلام عليكم...
أنا امرأة عاملة وأم لثلاثة أبناء.. قبل أن التحق بنادي القرآن كنت دائما أفكر بأنني ملمة- ولو بالشىء القليل- بالدين وانني اصلي وأصوم وأعامل الناس معاملة حسنة وهذا يكفي. ولكن بعد التحاقي بالنادي والدخول في المناقشات الدينية والدنيوية والتدبر في القرآن, أصبحت حياتي أفضل بكثير من ذي قبل في مختلف المجالات, فتعلمت الكثير, ولكن, ما زلت أجهل الكثير.....
أما عن نفسى فأنا كثيرة النسيان, عاطفية جدا, أواجه صعوبة في التعبير عما يجول في خاطري, و أحب نادي القرآن وأشتاق اليه دائما كما أحب أخواتي الأعضاء.

Salam all,
I am za3farana and I am a working mother of 5. I have 3 girls and 2
boys. My eldest is 20 and my youngest is 10. I graduated from the UK
with a Bachelors degree in Interior Architecture Design, and today I
run my own interior design company. I love my job and can never imagine myself doing anything else. When I first joined the Quran Club, I could hardly read Arabic but the joy I felt from reading this amazing book that knows me better than I know myself gave me the reason to persist in learning about its themes and applying it to my live. Today, after 4 years of being part of this club, I am proud to say that I can comfortably read the Quran thanks to a very dear friend, Faith, M.D. who took my hand and showed me the way. This taught me how important it is to be surrounded by good friends… friends that are bonded by their love for Allah.

أنا أم لزهرتين جميلتين هما أجمل ما وهبني الله، درست التصميم الداخلي لعشقي منذ الصغر للرسم والفن والألوان ولكل ما هو جميل من حولي. قبل الزواج زاولت مهنة التصميم الداخلي وبعد الزواج زاولت مهنة الزوجة والأم إلى أن إنتضمتا زهرتي في المدرسة ، بعدها بدأت بالتفكير في دراسة شيء محبب إلى نفسي ولعشقي لسماع القرآن منذ الصغر. بدأت بدراسة التجويد وهو نفس العام الذي انضممت فيه إلى نادي القرآن ، فجاء الثاني مكملاً للأول. ومازال حبي للتصميم الداخلي مستمر إلى الآن حيث أنني أمارس هذه المهنة من حين إلى آخر.

An oyster: Hard and irregular on the outside and soft and mushy on the inside. I am an oyster that loves my God, my religion, my parents, my kids, my husband, my siblings, my friends, and last but not least my sisters in the Quran Club. I also love arguing, analyzing, solving, reading, shopping and surfing (the net that is.) I am brutally honest, sometimes even hurtfully so, but once that outer shell is broken, what you see is what you get (i.e. the pearl)…(That was a joke btw). I probably have a psychological disorder I am unaware of, but I do know that the Quran Club has transformed me. The phrase I often use is that I was living in a two-dimensional space and suddenly discovered that life is in fact four-dimensional. Sure, I have faults, and many of them, then again who doesn’t? But I have become aware of my actions and how they affect those around me. Small everyday incidences that used to go by unnoticed, suddenly have meaning, and have been transformed into life lessons. Everyday I am reminded of Allah’s bigger plan, and am so grateful to Him for all the coincidences that led me to this Quran Club.

this is a very short bio of myself:
-i am a mother of 4 and a student of the world.
-i love reading(anything), playing the piano, cooking, studying languages, traveling with husband only, having coffee with friends and lunch with extended family.
my Dreams:
-to build a mosque
-to have kids who love and live by Quran (and who can properly recite it)
-to be a present mum (not just a mother by title)
-to be thin (without being sick)
-to spend a romantic getaway with husband in Paris (without feeling guilty about kids)
-to help every person that comes to me for any kind of assistance (to be truly able to give it)
-to read all the books in my library (it's a small one)
-to put an end to pedophilia and violence against children
-to go to Omra at least twice a year
What the Quran club means to me:
-it helped me discover a new found and unprecedendted love for the quran.
- i gained 12 new sisters who are always with me no matter where i am in life.

As-Salamo Alaicum. J Halo; is more a part of my name than who I am. A stay at home, mother of 4. was named after me ;) Need a lot self improving classes. Love my religion, family n friends. I was asked to join the Quran Club as some kind of support to MD, only to be blown away by how little I really know. Also by how much I was to learn from the amazing members of the Club.


أحب الرسم حباً جماً بكل أنواعه وأشكاله وأرسم على كل شيئ.... البورسلين ..... الحرير.... الورق .... الجداران....وكل ما يقع تحت يدي .... أتمنى أن أصبح في يوم ما رسامه مشهورة وأن أخدم ديني بفني.

على فكره .... أنا زوجة وأم لبنت وولد ..... وهم يأتون في المرتبة الأولى في حياتي.

Hello I’d like to introduce you to Dew the accountant. As a child I always wanted to be an eye doctor and never wanted to work in a government entity, guess what!!! My personality changed as I entered the world of work from being very quiet to being compelling and forceful, I wish to go back to whom I was. I love outdoor activities e.g. swimming, cycling etc. My mother was after me to join the Quran Club to be able to memorize the Quran and I felt that I couldn’t impose myself on a group that don’t know me and I wasn’t invited to. Having the privilege of the hostess being a family member she let me in, I would like to thank them all for making me part of their club and gaining such wonderful sisters
who welcomed me and made me feel like I was with them from the beginning. Hence I was the last to join. THANK YOU ALL.

I am "Salama".... a full-time mother and the proud secretary of our Quran Club. I was an Economics and Finance major at University. I enjoy reading, writing, and going to the gym. As far as my main personality traits go… I am usually nervous, anxious, and stressed but I am working hard to overcome this. I love being around people although I am not very social. Reading the Quran at one point in my life simply represented an Islamic task that I hoped to be rewarded for. After being a part of the Quran Club and interacting with it, however, I realised the beauty of each and every word in our holy book. It has changed my life in so many ways… in dealing with people, in raising my children, in finding peace within myself, in trying to make the best out of hardships… the list goes on. I wait impatiently for our meetings just to be able to explore more of the Quran's miracles and to be with a group of girls who occupy a very soft spot in my heart…

A mother of two, farawla is 37 . She has a degree in Banking  and Finance, worked for 12 years after graduating from university; she left her job last year so she could have more time with her kids.
Joined her sisters in the Quran Club 3 years ago and that’s when her whole life changed………………

O ALLAH! I ask you for Knowledge that benefits me, Provisions That are lawful and deeds that you accept.
A Special Message:  First, I thank our Teacher, our Guide, our Creator, our Protector, the One and Only Allah, the most Beneficial, the most Merciful.  Thanks to Him, we were brought together to form the Koran Club, gathered to better understand and discuss ‘chosen’ Surahs from the Holy Koran. Jizakhi Allah Khair, our eloquent and humble sister Faith. MD, for gathering us under 'one common roof'.  Al-Hamdulilah, for all my beautiful sisters from the Koran Club, you’ve given a new meaning to the words, ‘Ahbabtuki l’Allah’ (I love you for Allah).
Gift Allah, A Biography:  Allah (swt) often tests and tries those whom He loves.  He called upon Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice the object he loved most.  Ibrahim answered the call, and offered to sacrifice his son.  Dark clouds surrounded him, yet he wasn’t daunted, therefore Allah (swt) made way with the clouds, and showered him with His blessing.   On March 19, 1973 in the sleepy town of Muharrraq in Bahrain, two ecstatically anticipating parents witnessed their own humble miracle; fourteen years after marriage, they were blessed with their only child, “Gift min Allah.” This blessing was welcomed with great appreciation and tidings of gratitude to Allah (swt).  My parent’s had faith that if their duwa (prayer) doesn’t come true in this life time, it will in the next one, so one must have patience.  This is the spirit of which I was born, and continue to live, regardless to all the fitna (tribulation) out there in the world. My parent’s trust in Allah (swt) and their willingness to submit to Him, like Prophet Ibrahim, was a trial turned manifest example. It was a test, and then Allah (swt) gave a hundred – fold!
When I was seven years old, my ‘mumin’ father was promoted to become an Ambassador.   In his wise summation, “Agriculture got me closer to Allah (swt), and diplomacy to people.” With great pride, my parents served our country abroad for seven years, until I was re-united with my roots at the age of fourteen.  My teenage years bubbled with giddy blissfulness, and memories that would mold my actions years into my twenties.   In heaven, Inshallah we will all be thirty-three years old, and that’s the year when my vision began to shift.  Today, I stand first and foremost as a non-passive Muslimah, actively working towards bettering her deen (religion).  Everything else in the dunya (world) is secondary.  Inshallah, in the following years I will succeed in bettering my Ilm (knowledge), and ultimate submission to Allah’s (swt) will at all costs. May Allah (swt) grant me a balance between all the privileges He bestowed upon my life since the day I was born, and His most recent greatest gift of ‘Noor Al-Hidayah’.
In Conclusion:  I would like to state that only the Holy Ayat and Hadith are of absolute truth, everything else is my mere thoughts, and personal experiences.  If I succeed, then all credit to Allah (swt), and only the mistakes are mine.  Allah (swt) requires us to seek knowledge about all aspects of Islam, but it is detrimental to always remember that when speaking about any aspect of Islam, we must know about it first.  Any un-certainty we have, must always be cleared by trusted and knowledgeable scholars.  I am merely a Muslimah working to develop her state of spiritual self-actualisation.  My ultimate goal is to assertively follow in the footsteps of the sahaba, not keeping what I’ve learned to myself, rather spreading dawa to the farthest corners in the world, establishing 'deen' in my life and inviting others to follow. ‘La Ilaah ilah Allah Mohammad Rasul Allah.’