Today's the day to....

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The other day my kids came home so excited from their new art course. I am not surprised for they have the most creative art teacher -Manuella- who always has a different theme for her courses. So I expected my kids to tell me they will be going to the beach and make shell covered boxes or make murals using their footprints..etc. Instead they said that the theme of this course is 'what did you do today to make you feel proud?'. In every session they will show -through art- what they did that week that made them feel proud.
I was blown away by the idea and felt very happy that this teacher is engaging kids' minds in something useful other than facebook or hannah montana.

I love this idea so much. And ever since that day this has been the daily question I ask myself before I sleep. 'have i done anything to make me feel proud?', 'have I done anything that made me feel good?' if the answer is no, then I write on paper how I plan to add a positive deed in the next day.

1 comment:

halo said...

Wow! At home we've been doing "what we appreciate about our day"

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